one of my candidates, walt, has had a really rough year…he was let go from his job six months ago…the same week that his wife of fifteen years asked for a divorce..the custody battle has been awful
he is a great guy, but his sales performance over the last three years has been dismal and he has changed jobs three times in three years…that hasn’t helped…
as a recruiter who has to present top performers to our clients…especially in this tough market, it was going ot be hard for me to get walt interviews..
walt, however, understood this…he followed just about every step in our on line program: …
he would call from time to time and give me a report on how he was doing..
it has been a very long, diffcult road for him..but friday he called and said that he starts his new job tomorrow..
here is how he got it..
he volunteered…along with all of the other things i recommend in jss, last december, walt started volunteering at the local food bank…
he struck up an acquaintance with one of the other volunteers last january..
the other volunteer turned out to b a sales manager at one of the local companies…
he liked walt so much that when a sales job became available, he hired walt..
the company is totally different than walt has been in and the money isn’t as great to start with, but walt is soooo very greatful…

good job, walt!

p.s….walt told me that the one good thing that volunteering did was to get him to focus on others…he was pretty depressed about his own, personal situation…he even told me that in some of the interviews he got in the beginning of his search,  he expressed to the hiring authorities his disappointment about his poor performance on his recent jobs and his devastating divorce…and even the cutody battle….(..NOT GOOD to do)…the volunteering got him to focus on people that were less fortunate than he was…

he felt better and got a new job…

double way to go, walt!