Ed…a candidate interviewed with one of our clients…the hiring authority told me he was the best prepared candidate he had ever interviewed…i asked Ed what he did…here are the steps he took:
I appreciate your assistance in my obtaining a position with ——–. In response to how I prepared, please see below.
Review of company website, review their collateral, press releases
Search internet for any information on the company, their market, their competition
Search specific websites for any information on the company: Industry sites as HIMSS, HISTalk, EHR intelligence, KLAS, You Tube, other
Research financial info from Investing Business Week, Bloomberg Businessweek other
LinkedIn Contacts, Bios, company info. Work any connections
All of the above leads to links to more links, etc.
Contact my industry contacts CEOs, CFOs, CIOs other sales reps etc to learn if they knew of the company and its products
I type up all appropriate info and prepare a ‘bulleted’ list of items to discuss or refer to. I always try to site something I learned about them from my own research, especially if beyond their website
I take a folder to the inteview with all my research info, their brochure, white papers, my resume, my references. This is usually numerous pages.
Read the info you send me on JSS (www.thejobsearchsolution.com)
Now, Ed did a great job of delivery in the interview…it does no good to have all of this information without practicing delivery and doing it well…
Good job, Ed!