i have been doing this since 1973…i have seen and experienced just about every aspect of an individuals job search as can be imagined…
one of the spiritual practices that makes searching for a job easier is to practice gratitude…
so, you say..”look, tony…i got fired…lost my job…haven’t had an interview in four weeks…just got rejected…and you want me to be GRATEFUL..are you nuts…what do i have to be grateful for?”
well, just the chance to wake up every morning and start looking for a job…for one thing…
just this week two of my candidates were diagnosed with different types of cancer..and another just got home from a colon cancer operation..finding a job isn’t quite as important as it might seem
begin each day being grateful…simply thank God you are alive and are capable of dealing with the challenges in front of you…
this habit won’t keep unfortunate things from happening to you…it won’t really help you get an interview or keep you from being turned down for the job you thought you were going to get…but it will help you put those issues in perspective…
be grateful…even if it isn’t easy