…good job jake!
jake really prepares for the interview..he goes into them having done research…an i mean research…he has read every ‘white paper’ written by every expert in the industry…he has done competative research…even called and spoken to the competitors about my client that he was inteviewing with..
he calls customers of my client…looks up Gartner reports..every bit of analysis he can find…prints it all out and writes a summary about all of it..
he writes out three ‘case studies’ of clients he knows of that he would call on to present the client’s service if he were hired..
he does a power point comparrison of ‘where the market’ is for the company’s service…finds analyst’s predictions for the next five years for the company’s industry..
he wirtes a 30-60-90 day plan centered around the BIGGEST problems the comapany has with their customers and how he would help solve them..
by speaking to people both in the company and people associated with the company, he ‘reports’ to the hiring authroity the three biggest internal problems the company has…as well as how he might be able to help solve them
he ‘uncovers’ three new markets the company’s service can be marketed to…writes a plan about how he would approach each of them…
he makes a presentation of himself and all of this stuff in 45 min…using the techniques in www.thejobsearchsolution.com….after which he has an ‘informal’ discussion with my client where he asks 20 questions that he has prepared
my client tells me that in 23 years of hiring people, he has never had a candidate do such a good job of presenting himself and interviewing..
along with interviewing the company
what normally is a two or three week process of interviews with four or five
executives, became condensed into a one week process…and yes, jake interviewed them as efficiently as they interviewed him..
my client hired jake…gave him a $25,000 raise…yea…in this market..he starts the new job May 1st..
oh, the power of the interview…good job jake!