If you’re looking for a job, you need to read what I’m going to write here twice, because what happened the other evening just made your job search that much harder… the majority of the American people did not help you…
It is obvious that the majority of the American people care more about the government doing for them than you’re getting a job… they care more about “free stuff” than they care about you getting a job… they care more about their hedonistic contraception than they care about you getting a job…
We’ve now created an environment worse than before where people who are doing the hiring, the vast majority of which are small companies, were afraid and now are absolutely scared to death… they are worried about the fiscal cliff and the fact that their taxes are going to go up, there medical costs are going to skyrocket and there’s going to be more regulation than ever… that’s what big government does…
I hope I am wrong, but I smell a deeper recession coming along and it’s going to be even longer before we come out of it.
At least half of the businesses in the United States are considered “rich” by Mr. Obama and the Democratic party… those companies, 42% of which are “chapter S” corporations, where the money from the company flows to the individual who owns it, are going to see their taxes rise, first by the expiration of the Bush tax cuts and, secondly, by the intention of Mr. Obama to raise their tax rates to almost 44%…
Poor people don’t employ other people… poor people don’t hire… 50% of the business owners in the United States are considered rich by this government and the government is going to penalize them for doing so… on top of being depressed and defeated by the election these business people are wondering if they will hire at all… (and you don’t have to be a small business to have this fear… in the past three days, very big companies like Boeing, Lockheed Martin, Boston Scientific and others have laid off thousands of people.)
So, if you are fortunate enough to get an interview, you need to be aware that the person you’re interviewing with is afraid for their business and afraid of making a mistake in hiring… they’re not going to hire that many people anyhow and they’re only going to hire when they absolutely have to…
That means when you interview you have to really go out of your way to explain to the hiring authority that you are not only the best candidate for the job, but you are also the safest candidate… the one that is the least risk… the one who is going to protect them, protect their money, and take ownership of the job you could get with them as they take ownership of their business… you’re going to have to be an almost perfect candidate… you’re going to have to sell yourself to be the candidate they cannot live without… you’re going to have to interview better than you ever have before…
The election made your job search 10 times harder than it was before…
Looking at things from the bright, from my own personal practice and my company, we are fortunate to be in Texas… every time California has an election like it had and raises taxes the way they have, more and more companies will be moving here to the Lone Star State… when New York does the same, their companies also move to Texas… God bless us all… all of us know we are fortunate to be living here.
it is clear that the majority of the people in this country don’t care about you getting a job… kinda sad.