118…average number of resumes received for every job posting
16…the average number of employees in an American company
7.5 million… business establishments in the U.S.
16..the average number of interviews it takes to get a job offer
60 months…projected length of this ‘jobless recovery’
7 million…decline in the number of jobs in U.S. since December of 2007
1 in 10…the number of Americans who move annually, down from 1in 5 in 1985
20%…proportion of men in the population not working today, up from 7% in 1970
23%…drop in rate of new businesses creation since 2007…resulting in 1.8 million fewer jobs
21 million…jobs needed by 2020 to return to full employment in the U.S.
1.5 million …estimated shortage of college graduates in the workforce in 2020
40%…proportion of companies planning to hire that have had openings for 6 months
58%…employers who say they will hire more temporary and part-time workers
refer to the “Stockdale paradox”…further explains these stats